


Our Youth Development Programmes for boys and girls provide development opportunities for young local players with potential.

You’ll also find our walking football programme in this section!



A range of health programmes.

Kids' Courses

Kids' Courses

Range of kids’ courses.



Disability programmes.

National Citizen Service

National Citizen Service

For young people.



Shadow squad and that



School Sport Programme.

Inclusion and Employability

Inclusion and Employability

Shade and his mates

No Events in this category

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Nunc enim odio, pulvinar nec lacus sed, vehicula scelerisque lectus. Proin vitae est at eros tristique convallis non id tellus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

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Vestibulum pharetra mollis tortor, sit amet eleifend velit pellentesque vel. Praesent vitae placerat lacus. Nunc dictum justo id nulla gravida auctor. Ut id consectetur quam, eu lacinia felis. Proin dapibus bibendum lectus id commodo. In pharetra magna ac dictum efficitur. Mauris et gravida diam.

Mortgage Advice Bureau Corporate Challenge Results 2024

26th September 2024

Mortgage Advice Bureau Corporate Challenge Results 2024

The results are in for the return of the Mortgage Advice Bureau Corporate Challenge

Run Norwich 2024 Recap

9th September 2024

Run Norwich 2024 Recap

Relive Run Norwich 2024, a truly record-breaking day.

The Golden Ticket is back!

6th September 2024

The Golden Ticket is back!

List of 2024 Golden Ticket Prizes revealed!

Spectator Guide 2024

4th September 2024

Spectator Guide 2024

The runners are coming in numbers this weekend - and so are the spectators. Here's everything you need to know if you're a fan attending RN24.

Run Norwich 2024 in numbers

4th September 2024

Run Norwich 2024 in numbers

We all love a good stat, don't we? Read all about who and what makes up this year's race.

Race Village and Runner Recharge Zone Preview

4th September 2024

Race Village and Runner Recharge Zone Preview

What's on in the Race Village pre and post-race?

Run Norwich ’24: The Clubs

3rd September 2024

Run Norwich ’24: The Clubs

From Aylsham to Attleborough and from Wymondham down to Waveney, RN24 will once again see over 25 local clubs show up in their numbers on race day.

Six new things at #RN24

3rd September 2024

Six new things at #RN24

What's new at Run Norwich 2024 and how might it affect you...

Run Norwich 2024: Race Preview

3rd September 2024

Run Norwich 2024: Race Preview

Our look at this year's podium contenders.

Woodforde’s to supply post-race beer to all over-18 runners

2nd September 2024

Woodforde’s to supply post-race beer to all over-18 runners

Woodforde’s Brewery to once again gift over-18 runners with free post-race beer.

Run Norwich 2024 – where is your pen located?

2nd September 2024

Run Norwich 2024 – where is your pen located?

Starting a race with 8500 entrants is a challenge! You can aid us by getting to your pen with plenty of time to spare and familiarise yourself with your pen location ahead of time.

Sustainability at Run Norwich

2nd September 2024

Sustainability at Run Norwich

Every year, we strive to make the race as environmentally friendly as we possibly can, whilst still maintaining high standards of runner safety and enjoyment.

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Vivamus ut tincidunt felis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut porta, nunc in dictum gravida, lorem ante vestibulum nisi, blandit volutpat lacus ante eget magna. Ut urna lacus, fringilla quis magna vel, congue egestas lectus. Suspendisse felis velit, facilisis at arcu nec, porttitor lobortis dolor.

In scelerisque efficitur justo sit amet pretium. Donec semper ex magna, vitae tempus ex dictum id. Nulla in quam vitae risus imperdiet placerat. Cras et gravida libero, sit amet lobortis tellus. Pellentesque nulla nisl, imperdiet id felis non, dapibus placerat dolor.

Some link

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Some Link

Fusce consectetur leo in accumsan condimentum. Phasellus libero urna, imperdiet vestibulum hendrerit vitae, imperdiet nec purus. Suspendisse ut ornare odio. Ut sed egestas dui. Nam lacinia sapien vitae erat gravida, in scelerisque nisi hendrerit. Ut ex elit, accumsan id purus facilisis, aliquam varius augue. Etiam vitae diam auctor, elementum dui quis, aliquam diam. Nulla malesuada rhoncus nibh, id suscipit libero ornare eget. Vestibulum at quam vulputate, laoreet ex accumsan, scelerisque magna. Proin eu faucibus augue. Nullam aliquet mollis metus, in sagittis ipsum scelerisque eget. Aliquam eu magna arcu. Suspendisse dignissim, mauris ut tristique ultrices, ligula felis porttitor tellus, at lobortis odio augue non ex. Cras sed dictum sapien, vel semper eros.

Cras ut mauris velit. Donec augue lacus, ultrices ut pharetra eget, egestas nec lorem. Integer a leo vestibulum massa bibendum viverra id quis dui. Pellentesque non aliquet ligula. Donec est augue, ullamcorper id justo in, blandit suscipit arcu. Aenean eu arcu ac diam tempus congue quis quis risus. Vivamus tempus enim vel mi placerat porta. Etiam aliquet egestas diam, id condimentum erat gravida sed. Nulla congue ornare purus a molestie. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas ac pellentesque tellus, quis efficitur tortor. Aenean dapibus vitae urna sit amet suscipit.

"Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed varius eget mi ut consectetur"


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Run Norwich 2024 Recap

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The Golden Ticket is back!

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